Terms and Conditions

1. Subject

VROUME is a carpooling platform available as a website at the address www.vroume.com. The main purpose of the platform is to put in contact people going to the same destination. In this way, someone using his car to go to a destination can pick up people going there which will enable them to share the trip and the associated cost. The goal of these terms and conditions is to regulate access and use of the platform. You understand and recognise that VROUME is not party to any agreement, contract or contractual relations, of any nature, entered into between the Members of its Platform. By signing up, you recognize having read, approved and accepted all the terms and conditions of this document.

2. Signing up to VROUME

The use of VROUME is strictly reserved for individuals aged 18 or over. By signing up and using the platform, you represent and affirm that you are aged 18 or over. No trip can be advertised or booked until an account has been created and approved. To create an account, complete all the required fields on the registration form when the sign up button is clicked. You need to provide a mobile phone number against which your identity will be verified. To register to the platform, you must thoroughly read the terms and conditions. Since email is involved when signing up, you agree to keep secret the password chosen upon creating your Account and not to communicate it to anybody. If you lose or disclose your password, you undertake to inform VROUME immediately. You alone are responsible for the use of your Account by third parties, unless you have expressly notified VROUME of the loss, the fraudulent use by a third party, or the disclosure of your password to a third party. You agree not to create or use, under your own identity or that of a third party, accounts other than that initially created.

2.1 Signing up as a driver

VROUME allows individuals registered as car sharer to post a trip along with intermediate locations there are going through, called stages. No trip can be advertised until an account has been created and approved. Apart from accurate information about user, the individual registering must provide accurate information requested about the car that will be used on the platform. You agree to fulfil all the criteria below and the platform will be, in no way, responsible ifever authorities find you carpooling without legal documents and abilities listed below:

  1. you hold a valid driving licence;
  2. you only offer trips for vehicles you own
  3. you are and remain the main driver of the vehicle subject of the trip;
  4. the vehicle has insurance;
  5. you have no contraindication or medical incapacity for driving;
  6. you do not intend posting another advert for the same Trip on the Platform;
  7. you do not offer more Seats than the number available in your vehicle;
  8. all Seats offered have a seatbelt, even if the vehicle is approved with seats having no seatbelt;
  9. (ix) to use a vehicle in good working order and which complies with the applicable legal provisions and customs and hold a legal fitness certificate for the car.

2.2 Signing up as a passenger

Individual registering as passenger must provide accurate information requested. The user signing up as a passenger has the possibility to become a driver later by changing the user type in the user panel and provide accurate information about the car that will be used on the platform.

2.3 Verification

VROUME will, for purpose of improving trust, or prevention or detection of fraud, set up a system for verification of some of the information you provide on your profile. The verification is done by comparing information provided in compulsory fields against those present on the proof of identity uploaded. The verification process takes at most 24 hours to complete. You recognise and accept that any reference on the Platform or the Services to “verified” information, or any similar term, means only that a Member has successfully passed the verification procedure existing on the Platform or the Services in order to provide you with more information about the Member with whom you are considering travelling. VROUME cannot guarantee the truthfulness, reliability or validity of the information subject of the verification procedure.

3. Use of the services

3.1 Posting a trip

As a member being registered as a driver and having a verified account, you are allowed to propose 2 trips per day – each may consist of at most 2 stages. A stage is not the final destination but instead a location through which the driver to travel to get to the destination. For a trip to be successfully be registered, the below criteria needs to be fulfilled:

  1. Specify the pickup point and destination
  2. Date of the trip
  3. The expected time range to wait at the pickup point and the expected time range to reach the destination
  4. The cost of the trip

You recognise that you are solely responsible for the content of the trip you post on the platform. Consequently, you represent and warrant the accuracy and truthfulness of all information contained in trip you have posted, and you undertake to fulfil the trip under the conditions described in your post. VROUME reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without notice, to not post or to remove, at any time, any Advert that does not comply with the T&Cs or that it considers as damaging to its image, that of the Platform, or that of the Services. You recognise and accept that the criteria taken into account in the classification and the order of display of your Advert among the other Adverts are at the sole discretion of VROUME.

3.2 Booking a trip

VROUME is a platform that connects car sharer with potential passengers. The booking system allows user to book a seat once the search of the desired trip is completed. Eligibility of a Trip for the Booking system remains at the sole discretion of BlaBlaCar, which reserves the right to modify these conditions at any time. When a passenger finds the trip at the desired date and time range, he makes a request to the driver . The driver will then have the option to accept or decline the request made. Passengers will need to check for the driver’s response in the notification section of the platform. If no more seats are available, the driver will not be able to accept any more requests. For free trials, payment should be done don directly to the drive as cash in hand. The payment should be done at pickup time and not during journey or at the end of the journey. Denying to do so, the driver has to refuse to pick the passenger and lodge a complaint to VROUME. Necessary actions will be taken to suspend the passenger’s account. Any legal steps taken by driver will be at his own cost and risk, VROUME will in no way intervene or bear any cost. Once a booking has been done, no cancellation is allowed. If the passenger or the driver does not show up, the individual’s account will be suspended. A passenger having a paying subscription does not show up, no refund shall be applicable. Drivers and passengers having a paid subscription, payment will be done online and no physical cash transaction should be done between the 2 parties. You are then solely responsible for executing the contract binding you to the other Member. VROUME’ role is an online a platform that connects car sharer and potential passengers.

4. Review system

4.1 Operation

VROUME is a platform that connects car sharer with potential passengers.
Once an individual has signed up and the verification process is kicked off.
This process takes at most 24 hours to be completed. If all criteria has be fulfilled, the account will be verified and the user will be able to access it.
A driver will be able to post a trip with the pickup location, the destination, the date of the trip and the expected time range to reach the pickup location and destination.
A driver may also register 4 stages which are 4 locations through which the driver is expected to traverse to reach the destination.
A driver can post only 2 trips per day.
A passenger searches for a trip with the following parameters: pickup location, destination, date of trip and estimated pickup and dropping time.
Once the passenger finds the desired trip, he may book a trip (View section about Booking a trip).
After the trip the passenger may provide a feedback and rate the trip.

4.2 Moderation

You recognise and accept that VROUME reserves the right not to publish or to delete any review, any question, any comment or any response if it deems its content breaches these T&Cs.

5. Financial Conditions

5.1 Cost Contribution

The Cost Contribution is determined by you, as Driver, under your sole responsibility. It is strictly prohibited to profit in any way from using our Platform. Consequently, you agree to limit the Cost Contribution you ask your Passengers to pay to the costs you actually incur to make the Trip. Otherwise, you alone will bear the risks of recharacterization of the transaction completed via the Platform.

Payment to the Driver
A passenger should pay the amount specified on the platform to the driver. Hence or otherwise, the driver may sue the passenger.

6. Non-commercial and non-business purpose of the Services and the Platform

You agree to use the Services and the Platform only to be put into contact, on a non-business and non-commercial basis, with people wishing to share a Trip with you.

As Driver, you agree not to request a Cost Contribution higher than the costs you actually incur and that may generate a profit, being specified that in the context of a cost sharing, you have to bear as a Driver your own part of the costs induced by the Trip. You are solely responsible for calculating the costs you incur for the Trip and for checking that the amount requested of your Passengers does not exceed the costs you actually incur (excluding your share of the costs).

VROUME reserves the right to suspend your Account in the case where you use a chauffeur-driven or other business vehicle or taxi, or a company car, and due to this, generate a profit from the Platform. You agree to provide to VROUME, on its simple request, a copy of your car registration certificate and/or any other document showing that you are authorised to use this vehicle on the Platform and are not drawing any profit therefrom.

VROUME also reserves the right to suspend your Account, limit your access to the Services, or terminate these T&Cs, in the case of activity by you on the Platform which, owing to the nature of the Trips offered, their frequency, the number of Passengers carried and the Cost Contribution requested, entails a situation of profit for you, or for any reason suggesting to VROUME that you are generating a profit on the Platform.

7. Right of withdrawal

You have no right of withdrawal from the time of Booking Confirmation provided the Contract between you and VROUME consisting of putting you in contact with another Member has been fully executed.

8. Behaviour of users of the Platform and Members

8.1 Undertaking of all users of the Platform

You recognise being solely responsible for respecting all laws, regulations and obligations applicable to your use of the Platform. In addition, you solely accepts to respect all laws of the country and that if you commit misdeed , of any form, that violated the laws of the country, only you shall face the consequences and not VROUME.

Furthermore, when using the Platform and during Trips, you undertake:

  1. not to use the Platform for professional, commercial or profit-making purposes;
  2. not to send VROUME (notably upon creation or updating of your Account) or the other Members any false, misleading, malicious or fraudulent information;
  3. not to speak or behave in any way or post any content on the Platform of a defamatory, injurious, obscene, pornographic, vulgar, offensive, aggressive, uncalled-for, violent, threatening, harassing, racist or xenophobic nature, or with sexual connotations, inciting violence, discrimination or hatred, encouraging activities or the use of illegal substances, or more generally contrary to the purposes of the Platform, that may infringe the rights of VROUME or a third party or contrary to good morals;
  4. not to infringe the rights and image of VROUME, notably its intellectual property rights;
  5. not to open more than one Account on the Platform and not to open an Account in the name of a third party;
  6. not to try to bypass the online booking system of the Platform, notably by trying to send another Member your contact details in order to make the booking outside of the Platform and avoid paying the Service Fees;
  7. not to contact another Member, notably via the Platform, for a purpose other than defining the terms of the carpooling;
  8. to comply with these T&Cs

8.2 Undertakings of the Drivers

Furthermore, when you use the Platform as Driver, you undertake:

  1. to respect all laws, regulations and codes applicable to driving and the vehicle, notably to hold civil liability insurance valid at the time of the Trip and to be in possession of a valid driving licence;
  2. to check that your insurance covers carpooling and that your Passengers are considered as third parties in your vehicle and are therefore covered by your insurance during the whole Trip, even if cross-border;
  3. not to take any risk when driving, not to take any product that may impair your attention and your abilities to drive vigilantly and completely safely;
  4. to post Adverts corresponding only to Trips actually planned;
  5. to make the Trip as described in the Advert (notably with regard to using or not using the motorway) and to respect the times and places agreed with the other Members (notably meeting place and drop-off point);
  6. not to take more Passengers than the number of Seats indicated in the Advert;
  7. to use a vehicle in good working order and which complies with the applicable legal provisions and customs, notably with an up-to-date fitness certificate
  8. to communicate to VROUME or any Passenger who so requests your driving licence, your car registration certificate, your insurance certificate and any document demonstrating your capacity to use the vehicle as Driver on the Platform;
  9. in the case of holdup or change to the time or the Trip, to inform your Passengers without delay;
  10. to wait for Passengers at the agreed meeting place for at least 15 minutes after the agreed time;
  11. not to post an Advert relative to a vehicle you do not own or that you are not authorised to use for the purposes of carpooling;
  12. to ensure you can be contacted by your Passengers by phone on the number registered on your profile;
  13. not to generate any profit via the Platform;
  14. not to have any contraindication or medical incapacity for driving;
  15. to behave appropriately and responsibly during the Trip, and in compliance with the spirit of carpooling;
  16. not to decline any Booking based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, physical appearance, marital status, pregnancy, special vulnerability due to their economic situation, name, place of residence, health, political opinion, age.

The driver only shall be held responsible if any of VROUME rules, carpooling spirit or law of the country are violated at any time.

8.3 Undertakings of the Passengers

When you use the Platform as Passenger, you undertake:

  1. to adopt appropriate behaviour during the Trip so as not to hinder the concentration or driving of the Driver or the peace and quiet of the other Passengers;
  2. to respect the Driver’s vehicle and its cleanliness;
  3. n the case of holdup, to inform the Driver without delay;
  4. in the case of Trips without Booking, to pay the Driver the agreed Cost Contribution;
  5. to wait for the Driver at the meeting place for at least 15 minutes beyond the agreed time;
  6. to communicate to VROUME, or any Driver who so asks, your identity card or any document evidencing your identity;
  7. not to carry during a Trip any item, goods, substance or animal that could hinder the driving and concentration of the Driver, or the nature, possession or carriage of which is contrary to the legal provisions in force;
  8. to ensure you can be contacted by your Passengers by phone on the number registered on your profile, including at the meeting point.

9. Role of VROUME

The Platform constitutes an online networking platform on which the Members can create and post Adverts for Trips for the purposes of carpooling. These Adverts can notably be viewed by the other Members to find out the terms of the Trip, and where applicable, to directly book a Seat in the vehicle in question with the Member having posted the Advert on the Platform.

In using the Platform and in accepting these T&Cs, you recognise that VROUME is not party to any agreement entered into between you and the other Members with a view to sharing the costs relating to a Trip.

VROUME has no control over the behaviour of its Members and the users of the Platform. It does not own, exploit, supply or manage the vehicles subject of the Adverts, and it does not offer any Trips on the Platform.

You recognise and accept that VROUME does not control the validity, truthfulness or legality of the Adverts, Seats and Trips offered. In its capacity of carpooling intermediary, VROUME does not provide any transport service and does not act in the capacity of carrier; the role of VROUME is limited to facilitating access to the Platform.

The Members (Drivers or Passengers) act under their sole and full responsibility.

In its capacity of intermediary, VROUME cannot be held liable for the effective occurrence of a Trip, and notably owing to:

  1. erroneous information communicated by the Driver in his Advert, or by any other means, with regard to the Trip and its terms;
  2. cancellation or modification of a Trip by a Member;
  3. non-payment of the Cost Contribution by a Passenger in the context of a Trip without Booking;
  4. the behaviour of its Members during, before or after the Trip. As mentioned earlier, each member, solely shall be held responsible for his/her actions.

10. Privacy Notice

We are transparent and will make sure to inform the users about how their data are being used. We are respecting the GDPR (EU General Data Protection Regulation) and as such, we give everyone more control over how their data are used by our platform.
Find our Privacy Policy by clicking here